About Calpine Energy Solutions
Welcome to Calpine Energy Solutions!
One of the leading retail energy providers in the country, we supply natural gas and electricity solutions to clients throughout the United States. We are headquartered in San Diego, CA, with regional offices in Texas, Illinois, Ohio, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. Our main focus is providing best in class energy portfolio risk management solutions for our clients.
At Calpine, we are committed to providing you transparency, efficiency, and performance tracking. Our goal is to help you determine and communicate the primary challenges in managing energy: when to buy, how long to buy, how much to buy, and how well the strategy performed. We appreciate your interest and look forward to discussing how we can enhance your customer experience in these complex markets.

We provide our clients access to our team of world class regulatory professionals. They are consistently advocating for fair and open markets on behalf of our customers. Our regulatory team is continually monitoring the retail competitive market at the utility, state, ISO, and federal levels in order to provide a complete picture of the legislative and regulatory landscape. Most importantly, we are helping to anticipate how these initiatives will impact our clients and what, if any, action can or should be taken.

We are transacting in the energy markets every hour of every day. It is our mission to utilize that information real time to benefit the clients we serve. By positioning ourselves as a partner to our clients, we view these market changes through the eyes of our customer. It is from that perspective that we provide guidance and strategy development. Whether you need to define an approach for a single site, a multi-regional exposure, or a national footprint, we will serve as an extension of your energy team. Our web enabled tools provide you with access to information, analytics, and results reporting; turning your data into information, driving business decisions that produce consistent and valuable results.
Energy Delivery

Our structuring and contract fulfillment teams have put together the most innovative and compelling products in our industry. This allows Calpine to select the approach that will be most effective in achieving your goals and objectives, while keeping the integrity of your risk tolerance and cost objectives intact. Unlike any other retail energy provider in the country, our scheduling and settlements teams are ISO 9001:2015 certified. This ensures that the highest degree of accuracy is maintained, providing you access to the best quality control in our industry.
Energy Benchmarking

Being able to communicate how well your strategy has performed is the most important aspect of our program. We provide analytics to help you communicate the value that managing your energy portfolio produces for your organization. Managing energy markets should be recognized as a competitive advantage for savvy companies and we are committed to demonstrating and reporting the significance of taking smart and progressive approaches in these markets.

Your sustainability program will almost certainly impact your energy portfolio. Integrating your sustainability plan into the energy risk management program is the most effective approach for achieving the goals of both. This is why we developed tools to analyze a broad range of scenarios, such as the usage and price impact of a demand reduction project, calculation of potential ROI from a solar array, forecast of electricity scope 2 emissions for next year, break-even cost model for on-site generation run decisions, and guidance on sourcing renewable energy generation. Our programs are flexible and our data is collection granular so that we can help our clients confidently analyze and implement any sustainability program.